IT Training: from the professionals who wrote the book!

Whether you are training new employees or retraining your experienced professionals, there is no training source with more skill or expertise to make your team the best it can be than BRUDEN. We customize our classes in response to direct input from your team. Why take a chance on a canned and scripted course taught by a talking head? We wrote the book!

BRUDEN offers a full range of customized OpenVMS, Tru64 UNIX, HP-UX, Linux, and C/C++ Programming courses, competitive pricing and high-quality IT training that is unsurpassed.

We wrote the Book:

Minimize your costs by tapping into the knowledge and experience provided by our IT professionals. We have invested our time and energy in Tru64 UNIX, HP-UX, Linux, and OpenVMS, so that your investment in us will quickly, efficiently, and completely meet your needs.

On Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server:

On OpenVMS:


On Linux:



Contact BRUDEN to arrange for your customized on-site training.